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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Helping Oneself.

When I help others,
may be they might not help in-return.
It would be a wast of time instead.
But priority for me must be,
to help myself, to respect myself.
To heal myself with compassion and peace.
We can heal others only when,
we are capable and strong ourselves.
If others want to,let them improve,
by observing my improvements.
I want to be a wise role model.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Peaceful Soul - Om Shanti

(Please say this prayer to yourself every-time, and for many times)

I am a peaceful soul residing in this physical human body,
I am a very calm, gentle and humble soul,
My soul uses the mouth to speak words of compassion,
My soul uses the eyes to see the things around me,
My soul uses the ears to listen the words,
My sweet soul uses all other senses of my body,
to feel the various healing emotions of peace.
I am a peaceful gentle soul.

(repeat from top again)
